Marpo Dead Man Walking
Rapper Marpo und Troublegang, erstes Konzert vor 20.000 Leuten in der O2 Arena
Well-known rapper Marpo and Troublegang which unbelievebly blew up in only 3 years of his career. From small clubs with only 100 people, after 3 concerts with cooperation with Martin Hruška to the O2 Arena (15 000 people). Marpo's concerts became very specific and known for their apocaliptic vibe, thanks to Martin's desing. Concert Dead Man Walking is first of Marpo's big concerts and has been in process for 13 months.
Producent a manager by Michal Šamánek
Stage designer and Creative show director by Dsgnr Martin Hruska
Light designer Lukáš Patzenhauer, Video operator Adam Špaček, sound engineer Misak, executive show director and inspice by Karel Hrivnak, design assistant a project engineer Michal Szozda. Under a lead from Martina Hrušky on the content of the video for Led screen participated: XLab company, Adam Špaček, Jan Kočí and Cyril Široký, Jakub Chudý, Matiáš Vorda, Michal Szozda, Martin Hruška The preparation of ther video took 16 days. The concert was technically provided by ZL Production company. Production of the concert Milan Parketa Skotálek